My Blog List

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

500 Words

1.      Rain
I.                   Stormcloud
II.                Umbrella
III.             Raincoat
IV.             Poncho
V.                Rainboots
VI.             Wet clothes
VII.          Water (in garden bucket)
VIII.       Rainmaker
IX.             Rainbow
X.                Lightening

2.      Music
I.                   Flute
II.                Music note
III.             Violin
IV.             Cymbols
V.                Guitar
VI.             Drums
VII.          Music sheets
VIII.       CD’s
IX.             Headphones
X.                Horn

3.      Game
I.                   Monopoly
II.                Boardgame
III.             Video game
IV.             Jumping rope
V.                Chalk (Create hopscoth)
VI.             Computer Game CD’s
VII.          Dice
VIII.       Cards
IX.             Playing pieces
X.                Marbels

4.      Anger
I.                   No prop
II.                Baseball bat
III.             Punching gloves
IV.             Cardboard
V.                Paper
VI.             Pictures
VII.          Puncing Bag
VIII.       Chair
IX.             Mirror
X.                Chain

5.      Suicide
I.                   Knife
II.                Medicine Bottles
III.             Rope
IV.             Syringes
V.                Alchohol Bottles
VI.             Toy gun
VII.          Poison bottle
VIII.       Pillow case
IX.             Water in bucket
X.                Taser

6.      Happy
I.                   Bouncy ball
II.                Hoola Hoop
III.             Ice Cream
IV.             Flowers
V.                Teddy Bear
VI.             Stuffed Animal
VII.          Candy
VIII.       Sprinkles
IX.             Sparkles
X.                Shiny things

7.      Sad
I.                   No prop
II.                Grave
III.             Dead thing
IV.             Broken toy/object
V.                Torn jacket
VI.             Lost sign
VII.          Hurt myself (somehow)
VIII.       Hungry box
IX.             Messed up video tape
X.                Torn pictures

8.      Pop
I.                   Rubber top
II.                Plastic cup
III.             Balloons
IV.             Umbrella
V.                No prop
VI.             Sucker
VII.          Bottle
VIII.       Bubbles
IX.             Gum
X.                Mouth

9.      Bang
I.                   Plastic gun
II.                Shoe
III.             No prop
IV.             Hammer
V.                Drum
VI.             Balloon
VII.          Bouncy ball
VIII.       Tape
IX.             Trumpet
X.                Bag

10.  Throw
I.                   Ball
II.                Cards
III.             Paper plane
IV.             Paper ball
V.                Yo-yo
VI.             Chinese yo-yo
VII.          Basket ball
VIII.       Rope
IX.             Bag
X.                Balloon
11.  Destroying
I.                   Doll
II.                Pillow
III.             Backpack
IV.             Plastic Bottle
V.                Clothes
VI.             Mirror
VII.          Paper
VIII.       Book
IX.             Magazine
X.                Balloon

12.  Blue
I.                   Blue Ball
II.                Blue Bandana
III.             Blue Umbrella
IV.             Blue  Balloon
V.                Blue Paint
VI.             Blue Wires
VII.          Blue Tape
VIII.       Blue Paper
IX.             Blue Rope
X.                Blue Hair Spray

13.  Letters
I.                   Keyboard Keys
II.                Books
III.             Magazines
IV.             Newspaper
V.                Comics
VI.             Letters
VII.          Signs
VIII.       Maps
IX.             Music sheets
X.                T-Shirts

14.  Numbers
I.                   Clock
II.                Number scale
III.             Weights
IV.             Number lock
V.                T-Shirts
VI.             Books
VII.          Scales
VIII.       Numbers on Keyboard
IX.             Cards
X.                Balloons

15.  Tangled
I.                   Rope
II.                Wire
III.             Paper
IV.             Hair
V.                Tape
VI.             Sting
VII.          Yarn
VIII.       Twigs
IX.             Cardboard
X.                Clothes

16.  Heavy
I.                   Backpack
II.                Chain
III.             Ball
IV.             Paint Bucket
V.                Door
VI.             TV
VII.          Wires
VIII.       Weights
IX.             Paper
X.                Steel

17.  Trash
I.                   Trash can
II.                Garbage bag
III.             Paper
IV.             Mirror
V.                Plastic bottle
VI.             Glass bottle
VII.          Cardboard
VIII.       Tape
IX.             Newspaper
X.                Papertowls

18.  Twirl
I.                   Rope
II.                Twine
III.             String
IV.             Jump rope
V.                Rod
VI.             Stick
VII.          Wire
VIII.       Tape
IX.             Flag
X.                Cloth

19.  Spin
I.                   No prop
II.                Top
III.             Plate
IV.             Coin
V.                Tape (Circle)
VI.             Ball
VII.          Bowl
VIII.       Egg
IX.             Round Fruit
X.                Pool Ball

20.  Gluttony
I.                   Candy
II.                Chocolate
III.             Tacos
IV.             Hambuger
V.                Pan Dulce
VI.             Cupcakes
VII.          Cake
VIII.       Cinnamon Roll
IX.             Cheetos
X.                Soda

21.  Fear
I.                   Rubber mice
II.                Rubber roaches
III.             Rubber bugs
IV.             Cilantro
V.                Clown doll
VI.             Out of control fire
VII.          Scarcrow
VIII.       Witch
IX.             Monster
X.                Broken Glass

22.  Bored
I.                   No prop
II.                Pencil
III.             Bouncying Ball
IV.             Cards
V.                String
VI.             Tape
VII.          Stuffed animal
VIII.       Flower
IX.             Paper
X.                Ping pong ball

23.  Sleep
I.                   Pillow
II.                No prop
III.             Teddy bear
IV.             Jack Skeleton Plush
V.                Blanket
VI.             Sleep hat
VII.          Sleep cover
VIII.       Night light
IX.             Plush pillow
X.                Pajamas

24.  Messy
I.                   Paint
II.                Tape
III.             Glue
IV.             Hair spray
V.                Hair color
VI.             Body Glitter
VII.          Face paint
VIII.       Food
IX.             Chocolate
X.                Candy

25.  Paper
I.                   Scissors
II.                Glue
III.             Paper
IV.             Sprinkels
V.                Markers
VI.             Water
VII.          Bottle
VIII.       Pencil
IX.             Pen
X.                Map color

26.  Lost
I.                   Map
II.                Binoculers
III.             Telescope
IV.             Compass
V.                Stick
VI.             Arrow
VII.          No prop
VIII.       Bottle
IX.             Light
X.                Magic 8 ball

27.  Cofused
I.                   Map
II.                No prop
III.             Bottle
IV.             Sting
V.                Compass
VI.             Magic 8 ball
VII.          Ouji board
VIII.       Coin
IX.             Paper
X.                Ball

28.  Circle
I.                   No prop
II.                Chalk
III.             Hoola hoop
IV.             Bubbles
V.                Ball
VI.             CD’s
VII.          Magic 8 ball
VIII.       Frisbee
IX.             Paper
X.                Bowl

29.  Fly
I.                   Paper
II.                Frisbee
III.             Bubble
IV.             CD’s
V.                Sprinkles
VI.             Feathers
VII.          Cotton
VIII.       Flower
IX.             Pine cone seeds
X.                Dust

30.  Depression
I.                   No prop
II.                Glass bottle
III.             Cigarette
IV.             Pillow
V.                Coin
VI.             Pen
VII.          Chair
VIII.       Black rose
IX.             Food
X.                Newspaper

31.  Hungry
I.                   Apple
II.                Noodle bowl
III.             Sandwich
IV.             Mac-n-cheese bowl
V.                Hot pocket
VI.             Burger
VII.          Vegetables
VIII.       Taco
IX.             Salad
X.                Chicken sandwich

32.  Thisty
I.                   Water
II.                Orange Juice
III.             Milk
IV.             Apple Juice
V.                Cranberry Juice
VI.             Coke
VII.          Sprite
VIII.       Pepsi
IX.             Gateraid
X.                Poweraid

33.  Mysterious
I.                   Black jacket
II.                Long Blanket
III.             Large hat
IV.             Large poncho
V.                Umbrella
VI.             Long Scarf
VII.          Long cane
VIII.       Mask
IX.             Bandana
X.                Headband

34.  Crash
I.                   Glass bottle
II.                Toy car
III.             CD’s
IV.             Cards
V.                Bucket
VI.             Paper
VII.          Cardboard
VIII.       Folder
IX.             Pencil sharpener
X.                Coins

35.  Shiny
I.                   Body glitter
II.                Aluminum foil
III.             CD’s
IV.             Duck tape
V.                Mirror
VI.             Plastic
VII.          Necklace
VIII.       Ring
IX.             Bracelet
X.                Belt

36.  Sticky
I.                   Glue
II.                Tape
III.             Whiteout
IV.             Paint
V.                Soda
VI.             Gum
VII.          Honey
VIII.       Caramel
IX.             Chocolate
X.                Cotton Candy

37.  Purple
I.                   Grapes
II.                Purple hair dye
III.             Plum
IV.              Ribbon
V.                Paint
VI.             The Color Purple book
VII.          Face paint
VIII.       Pillow
IX.             Blanket
X.                Dress

38.  Cold
I.                   Jacket
II.                Blanket
III.             Scarf
IV.             Mittens
V.                Snow Boots
VI.             Snuggie
VII.          Cap
VIII.       Ski mask
IX.             Hot cocoa
X.                Apple cider

39.  Hot
I.                   Swimsuit
II.                Tank top
III.             Shorts
IV.             Sunscreen
V.                Sun hat
VI.             Umbrella
VII.          Beach towl
VIII.       Water
IX.             Water balloon
X.                Watr gun

40.  Cartoon
I.                   Newspaper
II.                Calvin and Hobbes
III.             Peanuts
IV.             Hagrid the Horrible
V.                Garfeild
VI.             The Far Side
VII.          The Simpsons
VIII.       Sunday Comics
IX.             Baldo
X.                Lio

41.  Death
I.                   No prop
II.                Cross
III.             Obituary page
IV.             Picture
V.                Toy gun
VI.             Rope
VII.          Knife
VIII.       Black paint
IX.             Candles
X.                Black clothes

42.  Life
I.                   No prop
II.                Wings
III.             Picture
IV.             Birth page
V.                Dog
VI.             Cat
VII.          Bird
VIII.       Feathers
IX.             Halo
X.                Flower

43.  Truth
I.                   Bible
II.                Judge’s hammer
III.             Light bulb
IV.             Mirror
V.                Water
VI.             Chocolate
VII.          Music
VIII.       Books
IX.              Sand
X.                Bottle

44.  Dangerous
I.                   Cigarettes
II.                Fast food
III.             Glass
IV.             Rope
V.                Knife
VI.             Medicine
VII.          Razor
VIII.       Wires
IX.             Rocks
X.                Coolant

45.  Lines
I.                   Wires
II.                Yarn
III.             Sting
IV.             Twine
V.                Shoelace
VI.             Hair
VII.          Ribbon
VIII.       Earphone
IX.             Paper
X.                Stick

46.  Black
I.                   Magic 8 ball
II.                TV
III.             Jacket
IV.             Hair
V.                Wires
VI.             Sheets
VII.          Clothes
VIII.       Paint
IX.             Computer keys
X.                Paper

47.   Angel
I.                   Wings
II.                Halo
III.             White feathers
IV.             Heart
V.                White robes
VI.             Black feathers
VII.          Black robes
VIII.       Bright light
IX.             No prop
X.                Tears

48.  Plant
I.                   Rose
II.                Twig
III.             Leaf
IV.             Bark
V.                Grass
VI.             Lily
VII.          Corn
VIII.       Tomato
IX.             Acorn
X.                Pine cone

49.  Hold
I.                   Doll
II.                Basket
III.             Bucket
IV.             Cup
V.                Bottle
VI.             Desk
VII.          Chair
VIII.       Mat
IX.             Bowl
X.                Plate

50.  Light
I.                   Flashlight
II.                Light bulb
III.             Feather
IV.             Ping pong ball
V.                Balloon
VI.             Paper crane
VII.          Glow stick
VIII.       Glow ring
IX.             Water noodle
X.                Cards

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